Dental emergencies can occur anytime and often without warning. You may need to visit an emergency dentist even when you maintain optimal oral health. Our goal at Spring Leaf Dentistry is to manage your dental emergency as soon as possible to prevent them from worsening. To that end, we offer same-day, late evening, and weekend dental emergency appointments.
Dental emergencies include broken, abscessed, or infected teeth, persistent toothache, or loss of dental work. These conditions require immediate attention. If left untreated, they can lead to severe complications.
Getting help right away when you have a dental emergency is crucial. Call our staff at Spring Leaf Dentistry and request an emergency dental appointment. Our team can also help guide you with a few steps to help reduce your pain.
Yes, a loose tooth is a dental emergency as it may be a symptom of a severe dental injury or gum disease. You should contact us immediately, so we can examine and determine the root cause and prevent the loss of teeth.
Dental crowns hurt when fractured or cracked or the tooth under the crown is infected. Dental crowns aren’t supposed to hurt; we recommend getting an emergency appointment if they do.
Dental emergencies can’t wait. The pain and discomfort of an emergency can be debilitating, and waiting for care can lead to further complications. That’s why Spring Leaf Dentistry offers same-day, late evening, and weekend emergency appointments. Give us a call and let us know about your issue.
If you're experiencing severe dental pain or other dental emergency such as a broken, knocked-out, or loose tooth, don't hesitate to seek professional help. Timely treatment is essential to minimize the risk of further damage and preserve your oral health. At Spring Leaf Dentistry, we understand the importance of addressing dental emergencies promptly, which is why we make ourselves available to our patients as soon as possible. Contact us today to book an appointment and get the care you need to relieve your pain and address the emergency.
Spring Leaf Dentistry - 1922 Greenhouse Rd #475 - Houston, TX 77084